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This week’s image is more than special; the photo came in my snail mail straight from Philadelphia. It is from the blogger Dri Lima o Dicas da Dri, who got my name in the secret traveler.“Philly is known as the city of fraternal love because it was (and still is) one of the few places that welcome people of all religions. I have lived here for almost 2 years and I just love it! I wish you a happy new year and many, many trips in 2013!“
Thank you so much, Dri! Lots of love, peace and trips in 2013! This game between travel bloggers started last year by Jodrian’s idea (Aventura Mango) and every year more people join the group. The gift is to send a postcard of where you live to your friend. I got Gleiber (Andarilhos do Mundo), and he has already received my card from São Paulo.© All rights reserved. Pictures and report 100% originals.
Translated by Lúcia Maciel
English teacher