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Handcraft on the road
Handcraft on the road
Ruins next to Cusco, in the villages of Pisaq, Ollantaytambo and Chinchero. It is amusing how everything is related and sacred, and how they see triangles in everything. According to the time of the year, the sun hits different ruins that represent the seasons and some sacred places. I fell in love with the stories and architecture. We hired a one-day tour at El Dorado Agency (which I also recommend for Salcantay). Europeans and North-Americans on the bus, and as you can imagine the mix of languages, many times I caught myself speaking English with Brazilians and Portuguese with the Europeans.
Ruins in Pisaq
Ruins in Pisaq

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Translated by Lúcia Maciel
English teacher

Author ro martins

Advertiser, tourism content generator, Territorios’s creator, photographer and travel guide. From the last 12 years, reports her travel experiences focusing on culture and ecotourism on her award-winning blog (Best Content Travel Blog at FITUR Madrid 2017).

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