This national park, in the province of Ultima Esperanza, is one of the most beautiful places in South America. And unanimity among travelers as one of the most beautiful in the world; 245 thousand declared World Biosphere Reserve by Unesco in 1978, the year I was born. Maybe that is why I am so fascinated about this place. The paradise for walkers has 200 km of trails, mountains impressively sculpted in the glacial period, 8 lakes with different shades of blue and green that look like paintings and a typical fauna. A place where everyone helps preserving, there is no litter and the only human traces are the footprints.

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Views that look like a painting
Views that look like a painting

The region with the towers that give name to the park offers good structure and easy access. There are camping sites and luxurious spas, small trails, stores, horse-back rides and bus tours. From there you can drive by some attractions. Look at the towers a while before the sun rises and, if you are lucky, you will see the early morning lighting them in shades of pink and gold. Glaciar Grey also has good options of accommodations and boat trips. 

The Torres del Paine
The Torres del Paine

Before arriving in the Park, we left Calafate and passed by sheep in the beige-covered PAMPAS, on the border with Argentina. We were blessed to watch sheep herding: around 3 thousand animals guided by men and sheepdogs. We also saw nhandus (similar to an emu), guanacos (they look like a deer), condors and other birds. 

Los Cuernos
Los Cuernos

Be prepared for a unique view and to come back totally flabbergasted with Pehoé Lake, Glaciar Grey, Los Cuernos mountains, Torres del Paine and Paine Grande with its 3050 meters of height. 

Sheep herd on the road
Sheep herd on the road

Take Note

Chocolate wrapping
Chocolate wrapping

Lodges and camping sites are open from September to April. For reservations check this website from lodges I booked  Paine Grande and Torre Central. Full board is a great choice.

During high season there is a bus from Punta Arenas.

The best time is Spring and Summer, but it is always windy.

On our way to and back, near the border, we passed by a Road Market that sells excellent and delicious Chilean Chocolate, at the best price. Inside the park everything is expensive.

Translated by Lúcia Maciel
English teacher

© All rights reserved. Pictures and report 100% originals. Photos by Leandro Gabrieli and Roberta Martins, video by Guilherme Mainieri.

© All rights reserved. Pictures and report 100% originals.

Translated by Lúcia Maciel
English teacher

Author ro martins

Advertiser, tourism content generator, Territorios’s creator, photographer and travel guide. From the last 12 years, reports her travel experiences focusing on culture and ecotourism on her award-winning blog (Best Content Travel Blog at FITUR Madrid 2017).

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