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Australia from east to west
Australia from east to west

In my last backpacking trip, I spent 30 days visiting 19 places in 4 Australian states. I bought my ticket to Sydney and had 5 months to plan it all. First I had to decide what I would like to see, there are so many options that I had a hard time narrowing it down. My brother lives in Perth (5.000 km away from Sydney), so I decided that would be my last stop. Then I researched what I would visit on the way.

In order to organize something like this, I suggest that you define the profile of the travel, the goal in each place and the transport. Besides, search information about the culture, the weather, expenses, what to do or whatever you find interesting. However, allow your itinerary to have space for good or bad unexpected things – taking advantage of that depends on how you face it. Previous knowledge on how the country works helps you avoid problems or solve them faster.
Trekking in the heat of the desert
Trekking in the heat of the desert
Another essential detail is the Luggage. Australia is sunny and invites you to an outdoor life, but it is also cold. You can go to the beach in some places, go skiing and trekking in others, besides enjoying the social and cultural city life. Having several destinations means packing practical stuff.
Backpack for day trips
Backpack for day trips

Think of clothes for one week, no matter how long your trip is going to be. Got sick and tired of them? Buy new clothes and donate the old ones. Laundry once a week is better than carrying extra weight. Pack the basic and pick small pots for hygiene products. Divide them into kits to make it easy to carry and use. I always take my 50L backpack and a smaller one for day trips. I had my documents, reservations and tailor-made itinerary with me and a copy in my e-mail.

What To Take

It all depends on your profile, but you need:

– Plug adapter – the supply voltage is 240V – if you do not have a universal plug, get one ASAP. – Unlocked cell phone – Waterproof/wind jacket – Comfortable shoes/sneakers – Visa – Passport – Yellow fever vaccination card (depending on where you come from) – (Prepaid) Credit cards – Penknife

All set, I checked 12 kg and had a few more in my hand luggage. I started the travel by staying up all night in the airport in Buenos Aires. There was free wi-fi in a restaurant on the second floor, with delicious media lunas, coffee and chimarrão. I did not want to sleep because of the JET LAG, Sydney is 13 hours ahead of Brazil. You literally change day into night.

Worked like a charm! I slept on the plane, arrived in the late evening exhausted and went to bed early. The next day I woke up at 8 and made the most of it.

Updating the website in the airport of Buenos Aires
Updating the website in the airport of Buenos Aires

Take Note

Intercity transport: buy tickets in advance and get good prices.

City transport: check the transport passes in each city

© All rights reserved. Pictures and report 100% originals.

Translated by Lúcia Maciel
English teacher

Author ro martins

Advertiser, tourism content generator, Territorios’s creator, photographer and travel guide. From the last 12 years, reports her travel experiences focusing on culture and ecotourism on her award-winning blog (Best Content Travel Blog at FITUR Madrid 2017).

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