A mind at peace, calm and balance!
Many strange tribes in the street carnival of Paraty, but Bloco da Lama was the most bizarre. Unrecognizable people, filled of mud from head to toe, in some we could see only de white from their eyes and teeth (everything else was gray), others carried props like rags, skulls, vines, flowers and fantasies. After they play in the mangrove of Jabaquara beach they go distributing happiness and creativity through the streets of Paraty to the Historic Center. It was a very funny. experience.
The life will drift is our driving…
Only few species were able to adapt in such inhospitable place as Monte Roraima, one of the oldest places in the world. The little endemic frog Oreophrynella Quelchii got it. It’s black with yellow belly and the size of a fingernail. It doesn’t jump; it shrinks and rolls over stones to escape from its predators.
Looking for a place in late afternoon at the rock of Arpoador Beach to enjoy another spectacular sunset.
The view of 18 de Julio Street in Montevideo, with Salvo Palace as background. The Salvo was designed by the Italian architect Maria Palanti and opened in 1928. The same architect also projected a brother – building in Buenos Aires – the Barolo Palace, in Mayo Avenue, which is very similar to the Salvo Palace.
Xangai, close to Hong Kong, is the most occidental and commercial city in China, being the main port of the country. High and night illuminated buildings are a characteristic from the local architecture. To support the energy demand on city, the electricity comes from the rural regions to the urban centers, say some Chinese. Besides most Chinese don’t speak English, calls attention their sympathy and we can communicate with them through gestures or basic words such as food, beer e best price.
A rainbow in the Chapada Diamantina, at brazilian northeastern.
It was the first opening weekend of the ski slopes in the winter of 2007 in Chamrousse, alpine town in France southeastern. We were with friends at a local mountain when this peculiar scene surprised us. It seems this is how people take their dogs for walks in the Alps…
The picture of today is in mood for Christmas and leaves a message for everyone try to see the world in a different way. Pay attention to details, discover the new and let your imagination take you.