Who does not like Florianópolis?

Who does not like the beach? If you like the beach, then you like Floripa, for there are 42 beaches in the island. It is over 40 km from north to south.
Florianópolis has been undergoing a disordered growth, there is construction everywhere. Like in many other beaches in the country, the traffic jams are huge during extended holidays. In some cases, you may even spend four hours on a route you would usually do in thirty minutes!

It is worth overcoming the hard time. Not only the views and climate are beautiful, but the vibe is also wonderful. Local residents or tourists, everyone is there to have fun. It is the magic of the island! There is all kinds of leisure activities: from surfing at JOAQUINA BEACH to nightlife in JURERÊ INTERNACIONAL, passing by hundreds of bars and restaurants all over the island.

There are lots of eating places at the shore, where it is possible to eat practically on the sand. If you to shake things up, the best thing is the restaurants downtown in Barra da Lagoa, where there is a lot of options and beautiful people. Do not even think of having lunch, because the nightlife is quite busy and people only wake up after midday, grab a bite at the beach and have a late supper. Another option is to cook, if you have a place. Oysters are a good choice; they are sold by the dozen and are easy and practical to prepare, besides being fun!

The parties do not start late, but they only get crowded after 2 am. The best ones are in Beira-Mar and Jurerê Internacional. The most famous is Pachá, which opened several years ago and gets better every year. Carnival and New Year’s are spectacular and the prices are great, compared with similar celebrations in São Paulo, for example. One night at Pachá, listening to Edo Krause & Orchestra with beautiful people costs R$ 60, which is a fair price.

If you want that vibe of Carnival in the countryside, stay at the beach. In Ingleses there are those singing groups with children playing with soap bubbles, men dressed as women and games that everybody enjoys. Of course, after you get drunk, go to the beach at night to make stupid things with friends or make out. It is very gooooooood and there are lots of desert beaches in the island. It is a place to go often.
Have a nice trip!
Take Note
Na primeira vez que fui, me hospedei no centro, pois é mais fácil para conhecer toda a ilha, mas depois descobri a pousada da minha amiga Mary Pianta no Santinho e agora só fico lá.
A pousada virou a casa dela que recebe amigos. Tem quartos espaçosos e arejados e a proprietária também aluga uma casa, de onde se tem uma vista completa do mar. Fica imediatamente ao lado das dunas. Não há sequer uma rua a separando delas. É maravilhoso. Dorme-se ouvindo o som do mar e do vento. De manhã, é só caminhar uns 10 minutos pelas dunas e já está na praia. E que praia! A praia do SANTINHO é considerada a que tem a água mais limpa e uma das mais preservadas em Florianópolis. Fica na parte norte da ilha, passando a praia dos Ingleses. Entre em contato com a Mari pelo on Facebook or cal 55 48 3269 4105.

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Translated by Lúcia Maciel
English teacher