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  IMG_6582A handicraftsman worked on birds made from coconut inside a tent. He titled himself as The Birdman (on the sign). When we got out of the car he just smiled to us, gave us good day and continued working. But it called our attention to get close and discover more about him that only said good things making us all feel very happy with the simplicity of the moment. We stopped there because of a “Nice view” sign which was placed by him. The view is the island’s north point which was also described here.
The Birdman, North Point - Barbados
The Birdman, North Point – Barbados
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Author ro martins

Advertiser, tourism content generator, Territorios’s creator, photographer and travel guide. From the last 12 years, reports her travel experiences focusing on culture and ecotourism on her award-winning blog (Best Content Travel Blog at FITUR Madrid 2017).

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