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Adrenalin hits you down the rapids and increases, followed by a wave of terror when you see where the bath is going to be. I had already done this tour, but not in this waterfall, neither with this amount of water!
Anxious bloggers – Gleiber, Clarissa, Luiz Jonathan, Vivian and I
Anxious bloggers – Gleiber, Clarissa, Luiz Jonathan, Vivian and I
Anna asking to leave her at the closest island
Anna asking to leave her at the closest island
There was so much water that it seemed a tsunami, like shown on TV. Some people screamed like crazy and wanted to give up. It did not last long, after we saw everything white and felt the weight of the water – more screaming and everyone wants more. Others swallowed a lot of water from screaming so much. The boat dives again in Salto San Martín, this time for a while longer.
Getting close to the waterfall
Getting close to the waterfall
We thought it was over, but we had one more bath in another waterfall as a treat. This one seemed to be calmer and have less water – we kept on going, smiling at the adventure. We were such fools… this one was higher and the water drops hurt. With all the adrenalin, the pain was good and invigorating. I did the right thing by not taking off my goggles, or else it would be impossible to open my eyes under so much water. We had 4 baths and left the place wishing for more. It was a perfect day to blow off steam.
Where we got the boat
Where we got the boat
Bathing in Cataratas is the highlight, but is not all in this GRAN AVENTURA tour that starts with a trail by car through Sendero Yacaratiá. The guides tell us details about the wilderness until we reach the boat and go by the Canyon of Iguazu River. Brazil on one side, Argentina on the other and the Devil’s Throat right there and getting closer… more than an unmissable angle, with the constant presence of a rainbow to appreciate majestic falls.
We also bathed in this mist in the middle of the pic, at Salto San Martin
We also bathed in this mist in the middle of the pic, at Salto San Martin
To wrap things up, another beautiful surprise: in the evening, the sunbeams shone through the rocks and plants, lightening parts of all the waterfalls. A close rainbow said goodbye, but no one could move on. Everyone was ecstatic with the beauty of the moment, trying to record it all and keep it forever.
Everyone capturing the moment
Everyone capturing the moment
The bag protects what cannot get wet
The bag protects what cannot get wet

Take Note

This adventure starts at Iguazu National Park, the agency is Iguazú Jungle. It departures every hour from 8h45 and lasts one hour. Take a waterproof camera or a dry bag. If you do not have any of those, my advice is: do not take risks. It is much better to buy the video or do what I did – use your friends’ photos to illustrate the post. They hand you a bag to put everything that cannot get wet, close it tight and no water will go in. Sponsored trip.
The bloggers
The bloggers

© All rights reserved. Pictures and report 100% originals.

Translated by Lúcia Maciel
English teacher

Author ro martins

Advertiser, tourism content generator, Territorios’s creator, photographer and travel guide. From the last 12 years, reports her travel experiences focusing on culture and ecotourism on her award-winning blog (Best Content Travel Blog at FITUR Madrid 2017).

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