
Leandro Vettorazzi Gabrieli


Only few species were able to adapt in such inhospitable place as Monte Roraima, one of the oldest places in the world. The little endemic frog Oreophrynella Quelchii got it. It’s black with yellow belly and the size of a fingernail. It doesn’t jump; it shrinks and rolls over stones to escape from its predators.

Urubici is the highest point in Santa Catarina and It already registered the lowest degree in the country, -17,8ºC in 1996. It was in the morning, before leaving for a trail at 7:40 PM, that I had the pleasure of taking this photo when the city was hidden by a fog typical from the region. It seemed like I was on clouds.

Around 5:30pm, tourists and local people climb 30m to be on top of Duna do Pôr-do-Sol to watch the sun plunge into the ocean. It is very beautiful, all the spectators applauding and cheering in the end. Something admired not only by human beings…

On our last day in Calafate – Argentinian Patagonia, we were granted with a shepherd leading his herd of sheep. Although this may be an ordinary scene, it was amazing. We were impressed to see 3 thousand sheep guided by beautiful dogs, taking the herd from the road to the top of the hill in just a few minutes. We felt like staring at a sea of sheep.

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