Whoever follows me knows I love trails, but since I came to São Paulo (5 years ago) I could not find people who enjoyed the pleasure of walking kilometers in the middle of the nature. One fine day I found a forum on the web, people looking for someone to go on adventures. Just perfect, we have already done some trails and started Nação Trilheira.

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The current goal of the hikers is to do the Trails of São Paulo, a nice project of the Secretariat of Environment which has created a passport with 40 trails in the state. These trails are located in nineteen Conservation Units in twenty-three different destinations, divided in high, medium and low difficulty. In many of them, it is possible to practice tree top walk, climbing, cycling, tyrolean traverse, abseiling, rafting and many others.

The passport is a beautiful pocket book with maps and orientation of each trail. For each completed trail the hiker gets a stamp on the corresponding page and for each level and difficulty, he gets souvenirs from the Trails Programme of São Paulo. I already got some stamps and will soon tell you about it.

Nação Trilheira became real mainly because of Bruna Piovezani and Guilherme Tosetto’s good will and organization – people from all ages are joining the club that is still growing. The meetings have taken place on the last Saturday of each month, and the destinations are determined on the discussion group, which is now on Facebook and Mochileiros. Are you coming to São Paulo and want to take part? Leave your comment and I will invite you next time. The official meetings take place once a month, but the hikers usually organize tours almost every weekend.

Take Note
The Passaport costs R$ 7,00 and you can get it at the State Conservation Units, Institute of Botany and Secretariat of Environment.
Get to know the project Trilhas De São Paulo. Read about trekking in São Luis do Paraitinga.
Translated by Lúcia Maciel
English teacher
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